细节对我们很重要!Modenese Luxury Interiors的每一个设计都一定会将奢侈和奢华考虑在内!也不会忽视那些有用且易于使用的奢华细节。我们为许多客户制作了大量华丽且令人难以置信的设计!我们认为,我们极好的设计师可以为家庭提供理想的室内设计。Modenese Luxury Interiors可为您提供帮助!我们是为客户提供最奢华住宅的专家。是的,即使是一个简单的区域也会变成富丽堂皇!为了创造一个具有身份、生活方式和美丽设计的结构,Modenese Luxury Interiors打造了一个独一无二的,可在私人和商业空间之间无缝切换的组合。

Extravagant Hall Design
Amazing gilded decorative plaster stucco moldings of various shapes and forms, which are visible on all the walls and the ceiling, combine to create a compositional center and set the accents in the right place, displaying the room’s classically inspired interior design.
The majlis’s furnishings include magnificent royal blue upholstered sofa sets that are accented with gold details in the interior to create a lovely contrast, exquisite and fashionable coffee tables with marble tops, a contrasting beige motif that is carried out in the room’s wall and
The majlis interior is illuminated by a stunning crystal chandelier in the middle of the room, which is complemented by chic wall lamps. Together, these elements combine to create a hospitable, pleasant, and warm environment, making the area suitable for any social or informal gathering.

Spectacular Majlis Interior Design
The traditional majlis is a gathering area where hospitality was prioritized. From the dawn of time to the height of the silk route, it served as the location for conferences and discussions. Hundreds of years ago, a majlis was often a sizable room with carpets on the floor and cushions against the wall, with a fireplace, where food could be prepared and guests could be entertained. However, times have changed.
Majlis is now thought of as a separate room in the house, one that should be the largest and most inviting. It continues to be the custom for home owners to meet their visitors, have in-depth conversations, and exchange news there.

Noble Living Room Design
The interior design of the hallway was painstakingly created by our skilled designers at Modenese Luxury Interiors in order to give it an attractive, opulent, fancy, and stylish appearance. The foyer in this house design project serves as a waiting area, a place to unwind, and a place for gatherings. It is situated between the front (hallway) and the living room and acts as both an entrance to the upstairs and a passageway connecting the other rooms.